Onsite registration:                 Program Download
Location: Meeting Room (Second floor)
16:00 - 19:00, 7th November 2016
8:00 - 11:00, 8th November 2016

November 8th 2016, Tuesday
Time Guanghua Room 1+2 Guanghua Room 3 Guanghua Room 4+5
09:00 - 09:30
Conference Opening
Chairs:    Prof. Yanchun Zhang and Prof. Marek Rusinkiewicz
Welcome address:    Prof. Xiaoyang Wang
Opening address:    Prof. Maria Orlowska
Program introduction:    Prof. Wojciech Cellary
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote 1: The New York Tech Innovation Ecosystem
Dr. Phil Neches
10:30 - 11:00 Morning Tea Break
11:00 - 12:30 Panel Discussion
Moderator:    Qing Li
Panel List:    Wojciech Cellary, Stanislav Klimenko, Maria Orlowska,
Marek Rusinkiewicz, Xiaoyang Wang
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Session 01: Ranking in Social Networks
Session Chair: Maxim Bakaev
Session 03: Data Similarity
Session Chair: Wei Zhang
Session 05: Microblog Data Analysis
Session Chair: Natwar Modani
15:30 - 16:00 After Noon Tea Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 02: Social Network Data Analysis
Session Chair: Xianling Mao
Session 04: Big Data Processing
Session Chair: Maxim Bakaev
Session 06: Prediction
Session Chair: Fajie Yuan
18:30 - 21:00 Receiption (Banquet Room)

November 9th 2016, Wednesday
Time Guanghua Room 1+2 Guanghua Room 3 Banquet Room Meeting Room (19th Level)
08:50 - 10:30 Keynote 2: Redefining Cyberspace and Cybersecurity
Prof. Binxing Fang
Keynote 3: Defending Machine Learning against Adversarial Samples
Prof. Ramamohanarao (Rao) Kotagiri
10:30 - 11:00 Morning Tea Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 07: Topic Modeling
Session Chair: Wei Song
Session 10: Data Diversity
Session Chair: Julian Dolby
Invited Session:
Session Chair: Natwar Modani
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Session 08: Cloud Computing
Session Chair: Julian Dolby
Session 11: Event Detection
Session Chair: Yan Wang
Session 13: Sentiment Analysis
Session Chair: Lemei Zhang
Medical Big Data
15:30 - 16:00 After Noon Tea Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 09: Data Mining
Session Chair: Wei Song
Session 12: Graph Theory
Session Chair: Xianling Mao
Session 14: Query Processing
Session Chair: Sudha Mani
Medical Big Data
18:30 - 21:00 Banquet (Sea Palace Floating Restaurant)

*We will arrange the buses to take us to the Sea Palace Floating Restaurant for the dinner. Buses Leave Conference Venue at 18:00.

*Banquet Address: No. 1 Dongchang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai (near the ferry station of Dongchang Road, Huangpu River)

November 10th 2016, Thursday
Time Guanghua Room 1+2 Guanghua Room 3
09:00 - 10:30 Keynote/Invited Talk 1: Searching Communities in Large Networks
Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu
Keynote/Invited Talk 2: Mining Log Data for System Management
Prof. Tao Li
10:30 - 11:00 Morning Tea Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 15: Recommender Systems
Session Chair: Julian Dolby
Session Chair: Hasan Fleyeh
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Session 16: Context-Aware Recommendation
Session Chair: Maxim Bakaev
Session Chair: Xiaofeng Du
15:30 - 16:00 After Noon Tea Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 17: Spatial and Temporal Data
Session Chair: Wei Song
Session 18: Non-Traditional Environments
Session Chair: Yan Tang

Important Note:
  • Full paper presentation time (including Q&A): 25 mins
  • Short paper presentation time (including Q&A): 15 mins

November 8th 2016, Tuesday

Conference Opening

Chairs: Prof. Yanchun Zhang and Prof. Marek Rusinkiewicz
  • Welcome address:
    Prof. Xiaoyang Wang, Dean of School of Computer Science, Fudan University, China
  • Opening address:
    Prof. Maria Orlowska, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland
  • Program introduction:
    Prof. Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland

Morning Plenary Session
  • Keynote Talk 01 : The New York Tech Innovation Ecosystem
    Spearker: Dr. Phil Neches, Advisor, Member of National Academy of Engineering, the Chairman of Foundation Ventures LLC, the founder of Teradata Corporation, USA

Panel Discussion
Title: Web and Big Data for Innovation and Sustainable Development: the Good, the Bad, and the Future

Moderator: Prof. Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong
Panel List:
  • Wojciech Cellary, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
  • Stanislav Klimenko, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
  • Maria Orlowska, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland
  • Marek Rusinkiewicz, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
  • Xiaoyang Wang, Fudan University, China

Session 01: Ranking in Social Networks
  1. Faderank: an Incremental Algorithm for Ranking Twitter Users
    Massimo Bartoletti, Stefano Lande, and Alessandro Massa
  2. Personalized Re-Ranking of Tweets
    Yukun Zhao, Shangsong Liang, and Jun Ma
  3. Ranking Microblog Users via URL Biased Posts
    Yongjun Ye,Peng Li,Rui Li,Meilin Zhou,Yifang Wan,Bin Wang (short paper)
  4. Identifying Implicit Enterprise Users from the Imbalanced Social Data
    Zhenni You, Tieyun Qian, Baochao Zhang, Shi Ying (short paper)

Session 02: Social Network Data Analysis
  1. Attribute-based Influence Maximization in Social Networks
    Jiuxin Cao, Tao Zhou, Dan Dong, Shuai Xu, Ziqing Zhu, Zhuo Ma, and Bo Liu
  2. Twitter Normalization via 1-to-N Recovering
    Yafeng Ren, Jiayuan Deng, and Donghong Ji
  3. A Data Cleaning Method for CiteSeer Dataset
    Yan Wang, Hao Zhang, Yaxin Li, Deyun Wang, Yanlin Ma, Tong Zhou, and Jianguo Lu
  4. Towards Understanding URL Resources in Recent Sina Weibo
    Yifang Wan, Peng Li, Rui Li, Meilin Zhou, Yongjun Ye, and Bin Wang (short paper)

Session 03: Data Similarity
  1. Semantic Similarity of Workflow Traces with Various Granularities
    Qing Liu, Quan Bai, and Yi Yang
  2. Intermediate Semantics based Distance Metric Learning for Video Annotation and Similarity Measurements
    Wen Qu, Xiangmin Zhou, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, and Ge Yu
  3. A Community Detection Algorithm Considering Edge Betweenness and Vertex Similarity
    Hongwei Lu, Chang Liu, and Zaobin Gan (short paper)
  4. Measuring and Ensuring Similarity of User Interfaces: the Impact of Web Layout
    Sebastian Heil, Maxim Bakaev, and Martin Gaedke (short paper)

Sessio 04: Big Data Processing
  1. Parallel Materialization of Datalog Programs with Spark for Scalable Reasoning
    Haijiang Wu, Jie Liu, Tao Wang, Dan Ye, Jun Wei, and Hua Zhong
  2. A Data Type-Driven Property Alignment Framework for Product Duplicate Detection on the Web
    Gijs van Rooij, Ravi Sewnarain, Martin Skogholt, Tim van der Zaan, Flavius Frasincar, and Kim Schouten
  3. A Semantic Data Parallel Query Method Based on Hadoop
    Liu Yang, Liu Yang, Jiangbo Niu, Zhigang Hu, Jun Long, and Meiguang Zheng (short paper)
  4. A Strategy to Improve Accuracy of Multi-Dimensional Feature Forecasting in Big Data Stream computing Environments
    Dawei Sun, Hao Tang, Shang Gao, and Fengyun Li (short paper)

Session 05: Microblog Data Analysis
  1. Understanding Factors that Affect Web Traffic via Twitter
    Chunjing Xiao, Zhiguang Qin, Xucheng Luo, and Aleksandar Kuzmanovic
  2. Analysis of Teens’ Chronic Stress on Micro-blog
    Yuanyuan Xue, Qi Li, Liang Zhao, Jia Jia, Ling Feng, Feng Yu, and David A. Clifton
  3. Large-scale Stylistic Analysis of Formality in Academia and Social Media
    Thin Nguyen, Svetha Venkatesh and Dinh Phung (short paper)
  4. Discriminative Cues for Different Stages of Smoking Cessation in Online Community
    Thin Nguyen, Ron Borland, John Yearwood, Hua-Hie Yong, Svetha Venkatesh and Dinh Phung (short paper)

Session 06: Prediction
  1. Learning-based SPARQL Query Performance Prediction
    Wei Emma Zhang, Quan Z. Sheng, Kerry Taylor, Yongrui Qin, and Lina Yao
  2. Can Online Emotions Predict the Stock Market in China?
    Zhenkun Zhou, Jichang Zhao, and Ke Xu
  3. Predicting Replacement of Smartphones with Mobile App Usage
    Dun Yang, Zhiang Wu, Xiaopeng Wang, Jie Cao, and Guandong Xu (short paper)
  4. Real Time Prediction on Revisitation Behaviors of Short-Term Type Commodities
    Xiangzhen Xu, Jinghua Fu, Yuliang Shi, Shijun Liu, and Lizhen Cui (short paper)

November 9th 2016, Wednesday

Morning Plenary Session

  • Keynote Talk 02 : Redefining Cyberspace and Cybersecurity
    Spearker: Prof. Binxing Fang, academician of CAE (Chinese Academy of Engineering) and the former President of BUPT (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), China
  • Keynote Talk 03 : Defending Machine Learning against Adversarial Samples
    Spearker: Prof. Ramamohanarao (Rao) Kotagiri, Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia, Fellow of Australian Academy Technological Sciences and Engineering and Fellow of Australian Academy of Science. The University of Melbourne, Australia

Session 07: Topic Modeling
  1. Domain Dictionary-based Topic Modeling for Social Text
    Bo Jiang, Jiguang Liang, Ying Sha, Rui Li, and Lihong Wang.
  2. Towards an Impact-driven Quality Control Model for Imbalanced
    Crowdsourcing Tasks

    Kinda El Maarry and Wolf-Tilo Balke.
  3. Modeling and Analyzing Engagement in Social Network Challenges
    Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Chiara Leonardi, Andrea Mauri, and Riccardo Volonterio.

Session 08: Cloud Computing
  1. Automatic Creation and Analysis of a Linked Data Cloud Diagram
    Alexander Arturo Mera Caraballo, Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Giseli Rabello Lopes, Luiz Andr´e Portes Paes Leme, and Marco Antonio Casanova
  2. Fast Multi-keywords Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data
    Cheng Hong, Yifu Li, Min Zhang, and Dengguo Feng
  3. A Scalable Parallel Semantic Reasoning Algorithm-Based on RDFS Rules on Hadoop
    Liu Yang, Xiao Wen, Zhigang Hu, Chang Liu, Jun Long, and Meiguang Zheng (short paper)
  4. Cloud Resource Allocation from the User Perspective: A Bare-bones Reinforcement Learning Approach
    Alexandros Kontarinis, Verena Kantere, and Nectarios Koziris (short paper)

Session 09: Data Mining
  1. Labeled Phrase Latent Dirichlet Allocation
    Yi-Kun Tang, Xian-Ling Mao, and He-Yan Huang
  2. WTEN: An Advanced Coupled Tensor Factorization Strategy for Learning from Imbalanced Data
    Quan Do, Thanh Pham, Wei Liu, and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
  3. Mining Actionable Knowledge using Reordering based Diversified Actionable Decision Trees
    Sudha Subramani, Hua Wang, Sathiyabhama Balasubramaniam, Rui Zhou, Jiangang Ma, Yanchun Zhang, Frank Whittaker, Yueai Zhao, and Sarathkumar Rangarajan (short paper)
  4. Improving Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction With Unsupervised Methods
    Min Peng, Jimin Huang, Zhaoyu Sun, Shizhong Wang, Hua Wang, Guangping Zhuo, and Gang Tian (short paper)

Session 10: Data Diversity
  1. Select, Link and Rank: Diversified Query Expansion and Entity Ranking using Wikipedia
    Adit Krishnan, Deepak Padmanabhan, Sayan Ranu, and Sameep Mehta
  2. Multi-Dimension Diversification in Legal Information Retrieval
    Marios Koniaris, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, and Yannis Vassiliou
  3. Generating Multiple Diverse Summaries
    Natwar Modani, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan, and Harsh Jhamtani (short paper)
  4. Diversifying the Results of Keyword Queries on Linked Data
    Ananya Dass, Cem Aksoy, Aggeliki Dimitriou, Dimitri Theodoratos, and Xiaoying Wu (short paper)

Session 11: Event Detection
  1. Event Phase Extraction and Summarization
    Chengyu Wang, Rong Zhang, Xiaofeng He, Guomin Zhou, and Aoying Zhou
  2. ESAP: A Novel Approach for Cross-Platform Event Dissemination Trend Analysis Between Social Network and Search Engine
    Yan Tang, Pengju Ma, Boyuan Kong, Wenqian Ji, Xiaofeng Gao, and Xuezheng Peng
  3. Learning Event Profile for Improving First Story Detection in Twitter Stream
    Yongqin Qiu, Rui Li, Lihong Wang, and Bin Wang (short paper)
  4. A Novel Approach of Discovering Local Community Using Node Vector Model
    Jinglian Liu, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, and Weiji Zhao (short paper)

Session 12: Graph Theory
  1. Minimum Spanning Tree on Uncertain Graphs
    Anzhen Zhang, Zhaonian Zou, Jianzhong Li, Hong Gao
  2. A Block-Based Edge Partitioning for Random Walks Algorithms over Large Social Graphs
    Yifan Li, Camelia Constantin, and Cedric du Mouza
  3. Differentially Private Network Data Release via Stochastic Kronecker Graph
    Dai Li, Wei Zhang, and Yunfang Chen (short paper)
  4. An Executable Specification for SPARQL
    Mihaela Bornea, Julian Dolby, Achille Fokoue, Anastasios Kementsietsidis, Kavitha Srinivas, and Mandana Vaziri (short paper)

Invited Session
  1. Big Search in Cyberspace
    Prof. Yan Jia, National University of Defense Technology, China
  2. Information Systems Engineering based on Social Network
    Prof. Yong Tang, South China Normal University, China
  3. Quality Improvement of Knowledge Graph
    Prof. Wei Wang, Fudan University, China

Session 13: Sentiment Analysis
  1. Dynamic Topic-Based Sentiment Analysis of Large-Scale Online News
    Peng Liu, Jon Atle Gulla, and Lemei Zhang
  2. Improving Object and Event Monitoring on Twitter Through Lexical Analysis and User Profiling
    Yihong Zhang, Claudia Szabo, and Quan Z. Sheng
  3. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Lexico-Semantic Patterns
    Kim Schouten, Frederique Baas, Olivier Bus, Alexander Osinga, Nikki van deVen, Steffie van Loenhout, Lisanne Vrolijk, and Flavius Frasincar (short paper)
  4. Multilevel Browsing of Folksonomy-based Digital Collections
    Joaqu´ın Gayoso-Cabada, Daniel Rodr´ıguez-Cerezo, and Jos´e-Luis Sierra (short paper)

Sessoion 14: Query Processing
  1. POL: a Pattern Oriented Load-Shedding for Semantic Data Stream Processing
    Fethi Belghaouti, Amel Bouzeghoub, and Zakia Kazi-Aoul, and Raja Chiky
  2. Unsupervised Blocking of Imbalanced Datasets for Record Matching
    Chenxiao Dou, Daniel Sun, and Raymond K. Wong
  3. Partially Decompressing Binary Interpolative Coding for Fast Query Processing
    Xi Fu, Peng Li, Rui Li, and Bin Wang (short paper)
  4. Using Changesets for Incremental Maintenance of Linkset Views
    Vania M. P. Vidal, Marco A. Casanova, Elisa S. Menendez, Narciso Arruda, Valeria M. Pequeno, and Luiz A. Paes Leme (short paper)

November 10th 2016, Thursday

Morning Keynote/Invited Talks
  • Keynote/Invited Talk 01 : Searching Communities in Large Networks
    Spearker: Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu, Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Keynote/Invited Talk 02 : Mining Log Data for System Management
    Spearker: Prof. Tao Li, School of Computer Science, Florida International University, USA

Session 15: Recommender Systems
  1. Nonparametric Bayesian Probabilistic Latent Factor Model for Group Recommender Systems
    Nipa Chowdhury and Xiongcai Cai
  2. Joint User Knowledge and Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
    Yonghong Yu, Yang Gao, Hao Wang, and Ruili Wang
  3. GEMRec: A Graph-based Emotion-aware Music Recommendation Approach
    Dongjing Wang, Shuiguang Deng, and Guandong Xu

Session 16: Context-Aware Recommendation
  1. Semantic Context-aware Recommendation via Topic Models Leveraging Linked Open Data
    Mehdi Allahyari and Krys Kochut
  2. Optimizing Factorization Machines for Top-N Context-aware Recommendations
    Fajie Yuan, Guibing Guo, Joemon M. Jose, Long Chen, Haitao Yu, and Weinan Zhang
  3. Taxonomy Tree based Similarity Measurement of Textual Attributes of Items for Recommender Systems
    Longquan Tao, Fei Liu, and Jinli Cao (short paper)
  4. A Personalized Recommendation Algorithm for User-Preference Similarity through the Semantic Analysis
    Haolin Zhang and Feiyue Ye (short paper)

Session 17: Spatial and Temporal Data
  1. Graph-based Metric Embedding for Next POI Recommendation
    Min Xie, Hongzhi Yin, Fanjiang Xu, Hao Wang, and Xiaofang Zhou
  2. Temporal Pattern based QoS Prediction
    Liang Chen, Haochao Ying, Qibo Qiu, Jian Wu, Hai Dong, and Athman Bouguettaya
  3. Searching for Data Sources for the Semantic Enrichment of Trajectories
    Luiz Andr´e P. Paes Leme, Chiara Renso, Bernardo P. Nunes, Giseli Rabello Lopes, Marco A. Casanova, and Vˆania P. Vidal (short paper)
  4. On Impact of Weather on Human Mobility in Cities
    Jun Pang, Polina Zablotskaia, and Yang Zhang (short paper)

Session 18: Non-Traditional Environments
  1. Towards A Scalable Framework for Artifact-Centric Business Process Management Systems
    Jiankun Lei, Rufan Bai, Lipeng Guo, and Liang Zhang
  2. Bridging Semantic Gap between App Names: Collective Matrix Factorization for Similar Mobile App Recommendation
    Ning Bu, Shuzi Niu, Lei Yu, Wenjing Ma, and Guoping Long
  3. Summarizing Multimedia Content
    Natwar Modani, Pranav Maneriker, Gaurush Hiranandani, Atanu R Sinha, Utpal, Vaishnavi Subramanian, and Shivani Gupta (short paper)
  4. Bridging Enterprise and Software Engineering through an User-Centered Design perspective
    Pedro Valente, Thiago Silva, Marco Winckler, and Nuno Nunes (short paper)

Session QUAT 1:
Chair: Hasan Fleyeh
  1. Region Profile based Geo-Spatial Analytic Search
    Xiaofeng Du and Zhan Cui
  2. Feature Selection and Bleach Time Modelling of Paper Pulp using Tree Based Learners
    Karl Hansson, Hasan Fleyeh, and Siril Yella
  3. Trust Model of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Shannon Entropy
    Jun Hu and Chun Guan
  4. Community-based Message Transmission with Energy Efficient in Opportunistic Networks
    Sheng Zhang, Xin Wang, Minghui Yao, and William Wei Song

Session QUAT 2:
Chair: Xiaofeng Du
  1. Assessing the quality and reliability of visual estimates in determining plant cover on railway
    Siril Yella and Roger G. Nyberg
  2. A Multi-Semantic Classification Model of Reviews Based on Directed Weighted Graph
    Shaozhong Zhang, William Wei Song, Minjie Ding, and Ping Hu
  3. Data Warehouse Quality Assessment using Contexts
    Flavia Serra and Adriana Marotta
  4. Segmentation and Enhancement of Low Quality Fingerprint Images
    Hasan Fleyeh